Trump's rise to power (again): What happened to US?
You reap what you sow.

I really try to avoid talking politics on this site. I want it to be focused on mental health. Politics, however, affects people's mental health, and especially in my case, and especially now.
I debated not writing about the "meeting heard around the world" between your American president Donald Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but then one of my my inner voices scolded me:
This is YOUR site. Write about whatever the f*** you want to write about if it has got you thinking. That is the name of your site, after all. If it is messing with your head then, by all means, write about it. Release the hounds!
(That inner voice, in particular, is a bit of a potty mouth)
I wrote about politics twice last November. The first article was written the day before the election and it was about the effect of politics on people's mental health. I prefaced the article by writing:
The point of this article is not to persuade anyone of my political views. Everyone is entitled to their views. What I will say is that who you vote for says a lot about you.
My second article came after Trump's election. and it was titled, "Trump Fatigue." Basically, I was already sick and tired of seeing and hearing about Trump and his second term hadn't even started yet. I wrote:
It is not just because the person I wanted to win lost. She wouldn’t have been in my top fifty choices for president, regardless of party. I would have voted for anyone rather than Trump – anyone who has a heart and compassion.
It is not just because a Republican won that has me down in the dumps. I’ve lived through Reagan and both Bushes. They seemed to be all bumbling buffoons, but they were harmless and seemed like genuinely nice, kind people.
No, I am depressed because this specific Republican candidate won. It is because of what he represents – both politically, philosophically, and morally. And the fact that 50.1% of people voted for him means to me that more than half of our society agrees with him. It means, to me, that more than half of our society is him. And I don't want to be part of a society like that.
And now here we are, barely over a month into his second term and his true colors are coming out, and I don't mean he is turning a brighter orange. He doesn't have to pretend anymore. He knows this will (should?) be his final term in office, although I guarantee he will make a stink about it in 2028 – either by trying to overturn the 22nd amendment which limits the president to two terms or by arguing that the amendment only applies to two consecutive terms.
He feels he can do whatever he wants. Let's take a look inside Trump's head (not for too long) and hear what his inner voice is telling him:
Hey, Donald, let's change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America? I like the sound of that better. Plus I hate those Mexicans. They don't deserve anything named after them.
Let's make Canada one of our states? Why not? They rely on us for their defense anyway.
Let's take ownership of the Gaza Strip and turn it into a resort area? We can kick the Palestinians that live there out and build casinos and luxury hotels.
Oh yeah, how about Greenland? I almost forgot about them. I've been eyeballing that big island for a while now. Why is it called Greenland, anyway, when it is always covered with snow? Shouldn't it be called Whiteland? Oh, I like the sound of that. I'll be signing an executive order to change the name once we get the deed to the land.
We need to take back the Panama Canal, too. Why did that dumbass Carter ever sign it back over to Panama? It belonged to us! I can't believe they made me go to his funeral and they made me sit next to Obama. That was torture.
And how about this Zelenskyy guy. He keeps coming back here wanting "more this, more that." And he doesn't even show up wearing a suit. What's that all about? Make sure I get one of my reporters to ask him. Maybe Marjorie's boyfriend will do it for me. He is in the media, right? It will look believable.
Well, we're not just giving him more money out of the goodness of our heart. Ha, we don't have a heart! Oh, I kill myself. I am funnier than Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, and George Carlin combined.
Hmmmm. What could Z possibly have that I need. Hmmm. I think I heard one of my people say something in a meeting, before I dozed off, about the mountains over there are filled with rare minerals that are used in electric car vehicle batteries and other stuff. Elon would love it if we can get our hands on that.
What's that you say? Most of the areas that have these rare minerals are currently controlled by Russia? I'll talk to Comrade Putin and we will work something out.
Oh yeah, and let's do away with those paper straws. I hate them. My Diet Coke doesn't taste the same when I drink it through those dumb things.
It's that last thing his inner voice said that I want to address. No, not the straw thing. I want to talk about the sham of the meeting Trump had in the Oval Office with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last Friday – the one that Trump ended with by saying "this will make for good television."
Again, I will try to focus my thoughts on mental health – in particular, the mental health of the President of the United States.
As a side note: As I was typing, my fingers got a little ahead of themselves and mistyped the word "United" as "Untied." After looking at it, I thought to myself that is pretty appropriate. We, as a country, are very split and rudderless. I am trying to get #UntiedStates trending on X/Twitter as we speak.
What we witnessed on Friday was an utter embarrassment for the United States. It was a public display for the whole world to see of Donald Trump's narcissism – quite frankly, his insanity. It showed his absolute detachment from reality. It exposed how delusional and insecure he has become, or has always been. It showed how quick tempered, irrational, and undisciplined he can be. Those aren't traits you want in someone who has access to nuclear weapons.
I'll be honest, there is a big part of me that believes America deserves what it gets. As Trump noted, for no other reason than to feed his narcissism and temper his insecurities, during the televised meeting with Zelenskyy, he won "by a lot" of votes. He even broke down the election by states and voter blocks. What did that have anything to do with the war in Ukraine? I can only imagine that was what Zelenskyy was thinking as he was listening to Trump brag about his mandate.
The meeting started off like you would expect any meeting in the Oval Office with two dignitaries from different countries to go. Dignitaries, by the way, has the word "dignity" in it, so maybe I shouldn't call Trump (or his cronies, for that matter) a dignitary.
Zelenskyy thanked Trump for inviting him to Washington and the Oval Office. Little did he know, he was being set up like Carrie in Stephen King's horror novel by the same name. In King's story, a shy, introverted Carrie is invited to the prom and wins prom queen only to have pig blood spilled over her head when she gets crowned.
Zelenskyy began by thanking the United States for their support. This will come up later, when Trump and Vance dump the symbolic bucket of pig blood over his head.
The first sign of trouble came when Zelenskyy also thanked the nations of Europe for their support. Trump interrupted by leaning forward and almost touching Zelenskyy's knee, "But we've given more."
Zelenskyy hesitated and thought for a second and Trump again insisted, "But we've given more."
What does it matter? This meeting, in Trump's mind, was about the United States, not Europe. Actually, this meeting wasn't about the United States, in Trump's mind, it was about DONALD TRUMP. Trump wanted Zelenskyy to admit the U.S. gave him more aid than Europe, which it hasn't.
If you want to debate the issue, I don't. Everyone has given A LOT to Ukraine. This isn't a penis measuring contest, which everything seems to be with Trump.
The second foreshadowing of trouble came when Trump listened to his inner voice and called on Marjorie Taylor Green's boyfriend, Brian Glenn (who is a host of some right-wing radio show called Real America's Voice), to ask a question. Glenn was standing right to the president's left, wearing a bright blue suit (so Trump could find him easily?). All the other reporters stood further off, behind TV cameras.

Glenn said he had two questions, one for Trump and one for Zelenskyy.
That was an immediate red flag for me. When would Trump ever allow a reporter to ask two questions? Ordinarily, he would respond, "No, no. You get one and that's it."
But Trump answered the first question and didn't forget that Glenn had a question for Zelenskyy. Trump, who is a terrible actor, turned to him with a quizzical look, "You said you had another question, right?"
Trump, politely, leaned back so Glenn could ask Zelenskyy why doesn't he wear a suit to the Oval Office. "Do you own any suits?" he followed up.
It was so staged. It is, certainly, the question Trump wanted to ask, but couldn't do it himself. When Trump greeted Zelenskyy as he got out of his car upon his arrival at the White House, Trump shook his hand and said, sarcastically, "You're all dressed up today." He then repeated the same statement when he turned to speak to the media.
Trump was, obviously, very offended that Zelenskyy, who is leading a war and whose life is threatened every day, would disrespect the president and the Oval Office by not wearing a suit. Apparently, Trump is not offended if the richest man in the world does it.

That question would just set the stage for what was to come. It was as if Kelly was positioning the unsuspecting Zelenskyy under the scaffold where, up above, Trump and Vance were readying to pour the bucket of blood.
Enter J.D. Vance. Trump turned to him towards the end of the press conference and asked him to say a few words. When he stopped talking, Zelenskyy leaned forward and asked him if he could ask him a question. JD leaned forward and said, "Of course."
Zelenskyy began by addressing him as "J.D." and not as "Mr. Vice President" which I am sure began Vance's blood boiling. Zelenskyy asked Vance what exactly did he mean by "diplomacy" as being the proper and easy way to end the war. What made him think that Putin would respond to diplomacy?
Pour the bucket! Let it drop!
Vance didn't even try to respond to the question, but, instead, saw the opening he was waiting for. Vance was sick and tired of all the rhetoric. He was sick and tired of looking at Zelenskyy for over a half an hour, sitting there in his casual clothes acting like he was a war hero or something.
"Mr. President, with respect, I think it is disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office and try to litigate this with the American media. You should be thanking the President."
A couple of things about that remark. What Vance meant to say was "I find it disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office dressed like that!"
The second issue I had with the comment was that I am sure it was NOT Zelenskyy's idea to have this meeting in front of the American media. Whose idea do you think it was to have this meeting held in front of the media? Why was this televised, anyway? For no other reason to stage this humiliation of the Ukrainian president for the whole world to see, especially for Vladimir Putin's enjoyment.
Zelenskyy then invited Vance to come to Ukraine. "Have you ever been to Ukraine to see what problems we have? Come once."
"I've, actually, watched and seen the stories and I know what happens. You bring people on a propaganda tour, Mr. President. Do you think it is respectful to come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your country?"
Oh, so Vance has seen the war on TV? He has read the stories. I'm sure watching the Super Bowl on TV and, actually, being at the game is the same experience. I'm sure watching Beyonce on TV is the same as going to see her in concert.
And "a propaganda tour?" Are you serious? His country has been destroyed by Russian missiles. Tens of thousands of his people have been killed or displaced.
Oh, you are only showing me the most blown up areas of your country. I bet you there aren't dead people EVERYWHERE.
That is what J.D. Vance had the gaul to insinuate. Neither J.D. Vance or Donald Trump ever experienced combat. Vance served in Iraq as a military journalist. Trump dodged the draft by claiming he had bone spurs. Yet these two, without ever having visited Ukraine, claimed Zelenskyy was lying and exaggerating the impact of the war on his country.
As a side note: After Zelenskyy was, unceremoniously, kicked out of the White House, he stopped in Europe to meet with his true allies, including Canada, before returning to his war torn country to resume a war. Trump and Vance? Trump went to play golf. Vance went on a skiing vacation trip to Vermont, where, if he had any desire to (which I know he doesn't), he could watch the ravages of the war in Ukraine on TV in his luxurious hotel room.
When Zelenskyy tried to respond by saying that the United States will soon feel the effects of the war, despite the "big ocean" between us, Trump jumped into the ring.
Trump started by telling him, "Don't tell us what we are going to feel? You don't know that. Don't tell us what we are going to feel?"
You should know, from personal experience, that once someone says that, the gloves are coming off. Trump went into full Trump mode with the fingers wagging and the hands sizing up some imaginary box. His face started turning a brighter orange. His tie was almost sweeping the floor.
"Right now you are not in a very good position.You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position. You don't have the cards."
He has "allowed" himself to be in a very bad position? What the hell kind of statement is that? If someone punches you in the face, did you allow them to punch you in the face? Unbelievable.
You can take Trump out of the casinos, but you can't take the casinos out of Trump. Zelenskyy was right to point out that he wasn't playing cards. He was at WAR – a real war, not a board game, or a video game ... or a card game.
But Trump insisted, "You ARE playing cards. You are gambling with World War III."
Oh, so he IS playing cards? Really? And which side, exactly, would the United States be on, Mr. Trump, if World War III does break out? What is he trying to say there? That if this continues it will be the United States and Europe against Russia? Or is he saying Zelenskyy is risking turning this into Russia and the United States against the rest of the world?
Trump was asked a few times, especially by a Polish media person, which side is he on. The easy answer would have been Ukraine's. It should be the only answer. But, no. Trump, repeatedly, said that he is on no one's side. He tried to sugar coat the statement by saying he was on the side of peace. He was in the middle. He was the mediator.
He joked, when asked where he would rank on the list of greatest American presidents if he brought an end to this war, that he was on par with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, maybe even greater. He said he was joking and that he knew the left wing media would run with the headline, "Trump claims to be better than Washington and Lincoln," but then he whispered under his breath, "but maybe."
Just when we thought we were done with JD Vance, he chimes in, "Have you said 'thank you' once during this entire meeting?"
Zelenskyy, rightfully so, says he has thanked the United States several times. Not good enough for J.D. (and his puppet master, Trump).
"No, in this entire meeting have you said 'thank you?'" Vance asked again. Vance then, out of nowhere, mentions that Zelenskyy went to Pennsylvania in October to campaign for the opposition – meaning the Democrats and Kamala Harris.
Ah, now we are getting to the crux of it. The loyalty thing. That's why they are mad at him. Oh, there are other reasons, too, like his attire. But, mostly, Vance wanted to make Zelenskyy kneel before Donald Trump and kiss his ring in public.
It really is fascinating, and scary – this cult mentality that Trump has cultivated. This is Charles Manson. This is David Koresh. Dare I say, this is Adolf Hitler. And this has happened at the highest level of the United States government. It has happened right here, folks, in our country and the brainwashing is continuing.
This is worse than my worst fears. How did this happen? How did we get to this point?
How can the whole world (with the exception of the obvious dictators) see Trump for who he is, but not us? It is sickening to see TV news shows and Republican legislators scold Zelenskyy and praise Trump and Vance for their performances... and I do mean "performances."
Lindsey Graham says he has never been more proud of the president and scolded Zelenskyy for being disrespectful.
I will single out Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham as spineless jellyfish. Both were vehemently pro-Ukraine before Trump came along a second time. Now they are both calling for Zelenskyy to step down if he doesn't give in to Putin's cease fire demands.
Marco Rubio says he doubts Zelenskyy wants to end the war.
What am I missing? What have we become? Of course Zelenskyy's country is not in a good position, as the ever-observant Trump pointed out. Of course, they don't have the cards. They are a young, small country that got invaded by a once great superpower.
That is what has always made America great. Sorry, Donald, but America has always been great... until now.
What has made America great is that we have always been a beacon of hope. We have always stood for what is right. We don't take advantage of countries when they are weak. We have always been there to give assistance to victims – be it military, financial, or medical aid. We have been the purveyors of justice and morality.
We do these things because, simply put, it is the right thing to do. We don't do it to get a "thank you" in return. We don't do these things as a quid pro quo. We don't demand to take your soul, your pride, and your lifeblood away from you if we agree to help you.
This is why I have always been proud to be an American. My parents came here from Portugal in 1967 with little more than the clothes on their back and a dream. They worked hard and managed to live a comfortable life in a nice home and provide for their two children in a safe and loving country.
Now everything has changed. It is depressing. I am embarrassed when I talk to my relatives in Canada. They used to be jealous of me for living in the United States. Not anymore. Now they ask me what is wrong with our people. Why did we elect this egomaniac?
I have no answers for them.
How can a man rise to the highest position in our country by lying all the time? One hundred years from now – if this world still exists and if the United States still exists – children will be in classrooms wondering what was wrong with people in the early 21st century for electing a malicious, greedy, fraud like Trump.
I hate to keep bringing up the name and making the comparison, but it is like students today wondering how Germany and, eventually, Europe allowed Hitler to accumulate power. Back then, it was called appeasement. Europe would agree to many of Hitler's demands, including annexing Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, in return for assurances from Hitler that he wouldn't cause any more trouble. We all know how that worked out.
There is a saying that "if you don't learn from history, you are bound to repeat it."
An interesting YouTube video I, randomly, came across. I've never heard of the creator of this video, but I appreciated his passion and concern. He also hit on all the key taking points of the Zelenskyy-Trump meeting, many of which I wrote about in this article. Well done by him.